
The Art of Selling Your Firm

by Matt McCall

Despite the markets' gyrations, 2008 was the best year for liquidity in our firm's history. In fact, our largest exit (Lefthand Networks) closed in November in the heart of the downdraft. In looking across these exits, the strong exits all had several common elements:

1) Self-sufficiency: the old saying in venture is that companies are bought and not sold. If the acquiror knows that time is it's friend, they will slow roll the process, driving harder terms with each passing month. Don't go into the process without a long runway (or a strong forcing mechanism). Your gut will tell you how much of the process is your pushing versus their pulling. Don't push.

2) Mortal Enemies: the surest way to have a healthy process is to get two bidders that viciously compete with each other. During one process, we tried to leverage a weaker competitor to motivate our lead buyer. They laughed and encouraged us to sell to them. We subsequently engaged their fierce competitor. The result: LOI in weeks, closed in 6 weeks.

3) Existing Relationship: people do deals with people they know. You can either try to convey your value during an impersonal pitch or let them experience the specific facets/nuances of your firm or technology through interacting with you over time. Most firms know who are the likely buyers. During this downdraft, it is a good time to build these relationships. You can get their attention if you can deliver revenue to them or reduce concrete costs. Don't ever taint this process by pushing or even hinting at selling the firm as it will set you back.

4) Few Alternatives: scarcity is at the heart of a good sale. Few or inferior alternatives swings the balance in your direction. If there are an array of available solutions, you will lose your leverage in the process. A superior/strong product can sell itself. If you have strong synergies with competitors,you can carefully & selectively consolidate or rationalize your sector. Now is the time to distance yourself from the pack, outlive competition and consolidate so you are the logical acquisition.

5) Visible Scalable: you invest in companies if they demonstrate a scaling revenue model which has visibility on the growth drivers going forward. Acquirors will do the same. Have you proven out your revenue model and can you show how it will ramp significantly if owned by them. Show it becomes more profitable with them.

6) Strategically Central: if your product or service is a central component to the acquiror's future, you will get attention. If not, you may likely get lost in the noise. This can be the product that is missing but is a key growth driver in their industry or can protect/enhance core existing products.

So, while exits are harder today, now is a key time to position for exits when the conditions improve in coming years. Build relationships now that will be essential later.

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